
User Agreement between Airlines-Reservation.Com and Customers

airlines-reservation.com is an independent online travel agency. We are in no way what so everallied, inclined, associated, biased or prejudiced with and towards any airlines in United States or any airlines of any other state or country. The websiteairlines-reservation.com is solely an agency whose entire objective is to arrange an unbiased connection between travelers from United States or any other part of the globe with airlines or suppliers ofair flights, hotel accommodations, car care rentals, travel packages and travel insurance in United States or any other country for best flight ticket booking or reservationsand othertravel related services.

All our prices that are displayed at the search results on the websiteairlines-reservation.comare entirely determinedbased on the search history and are subject to modification without prior notice. All validity, conditions and various restriction for sale of tickets are implied at all times. The airfares shown from search results on the website airlines-reservation.com are always referred to as per availability of the seat at the time of making the booking or reservations provided or listed by the airline or supplier of air tickets.

Every information that is being displayed on the website airlines-reservation.com is aimed for users and travelers outbound from the United States. We do our best and leave no stone unturned to ensure that every information or result showcased or displayed is correct and accurate.Even after all this, the results displayed related to various travel arrangements and best air fares from the search results on the website airlines-reservation.com are motivatedby information provided by airlines and suppliers of air flight tickets.

We at airlines-reservation.com refute all and any requestsdirectly or indirectly related to the negligence or otherwise for any or all kind of loss or damage which may or already has occurred as a result in reliance or use of our various travel related services. All the prices being displayed from the search results on the website airlines-reservation.com are entirely determinedbased on the history and are subject to modification without any prior notice. The showcased information on the website airlines-reservation.com may have errors or inaccuracies. airlines-reservation.com is not responsible or liable in any form or matter and gives no guarantee on precision of the air fares being displayed after the search results, and hereby, refute to all or any liability thus resulting of any error or inaccuracy of displayed information of airfares on the website.

By accessing, browsing and using the various search results displayed on the website airlines-reservation.com you abide by the fact that airlines-reservation.com is not in any form or matter is liable for losses incurred directly or indirectly, hence resulting from the use or while availing the services on the website airlines-reservation.com. The website airlines-reservation.com refrains itself from all sorts of responsibility for direct and indirect actions thus arising from all travel related services which are not in direct control of the website airlines-reservation.com or its employees. We at airlines-reservation.com will not be responsible or liable or answerable for any act, fault, error, damage or loss, injury, accident, delay, non-performance, irregularity, or any consequence thereof, which may be caused due to negligence, or default or any other act or inaction of any supplier of air flights, hotel accommodations, car care rentals, travel holiday packages and travel insurance and other travel products. airlines-reservation.com will not be accountable to any kind of variations or last minute alterations in airfares or modifications/adjustments in travel itinerary from the airlines of any country, which comes into effect after the payment of the concerned travel booking. airlines-reservation.com is solely an independent travel agency and we are not allied, aligned, associated, biased or prejudiced with or towards any airlines in United States or any airlines of any other country. We strictly restrict ourselves to arrange an unbiased connection between travelers from United States or any other part of the globe with airlines or suppliers of flights, hotels, care rentals, travel packages and travel insurancein United States or any other country for cheap flight ticket booking/reservations.

airlines-reservation.com does not take charge, govern or regulate actions of the source suppliers and their travel service or packages. Upon issuance of tickets, if a case of penalty should arise or of some refunds out of the travel booking, airlines-reservation.com shall not be liable to service it on your behalf. Cheaflightspro.com does not own the responsibility of printed prices on the tickets. There might be some tickets which may have BT (Bulk fare) printed on them, and some tickets might display a specific price on them which may or may not be different (lower or higher) than the actual fare collected.

User content along with all the travel related services being displayed on the website airlines-reservation.com is completely its own property. We strictly refrain the use of any user content or information being displayed on the website airlines-reservation.com to any other business website or travel website. The links or banners being displayed on the website airlines-reservation.com while browsing, accessing, clicking and carrying out any kind of financial transaction or sharing of your personal information shall be done at the entirerisk of the individual and the airlines-reservation.com does not in any way what so ever own any responsibility of such actions. We at airlines-reservation.com do not tolerate any breach of any law arising from the misuse of the information or the user content.

We at airlines-reservation.comrequests all our users to kindly co-operate with us if at any instance the website is under maintenance due to any technical reason. If in case the customer does make any purchase with that source then it will be at their own risk. airlines-reservation.com does not acknowledge any irregular purchasing while the website is under maintenance, and hence refrains itself from such actions.

All the displayed Images, fares content and the logo on the websiteis the sole property of airlines-reservation.com, if you find anyone misusing the same, we adviseyou to kindly inform us at your earliest and not get trapped.

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